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22 Recipes

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Stewed Brisket with Egg Noodles

Difficulty Level:3
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Braised Tempeh with Vegetables

Difficulty Level:2

Organic Quinoa and Salmon Salad

Difficulty Level:2

Ocean Delight with XO Sauce

Difficulty Level:3

Deep Fried Taro Pastry with Baby Spinach in Pumpkin Sauce

Difficulty Level:5

Boat Lady Fried Rice

Difficulty Level:3

Spicy BBQ Duck Breast with Pineapples

Difficulty Level:4

Stewed Spaghetti Squash with Osmanthus and Pumpkin Purée

Difficulty Level:2

Abalone with Yam in Wonton Cups

Difficulty Level:4

Duck Breast with Yellow Fungus and Quail Eggs in Taro Nest

Difficulty Level:4

Cordyceps Flower and Chicken Claypot Rice in Soy Bean Sauce

Difficulty Level:4

Winter Melon Soup with Morels and Seafood

Difficulty Level:3

Steamed Lobster with Egg White and Goji Berries

Difficulty Level:3

Wok-fried Giant Grouper Fillet with Fresh Lily Bulb

Difficulty Level:3

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